
Catherine Chang
COO, Co-founder
Developer news
Feb 14, 2024
On Sunday, February 4th, amidst some of the heaviest rain seen this season in California, the SF crypto community came together at the offices of Kindred Ventures to hack on the new Farcaster Frames!
Hosted by Deform, Base, and Kindred, this event brought together developers, degens, innovators, and blockchain enthusiasts for a day of intense collaboration and innovation.
The hackathon provided a unique platform for participants to showcase their skills, solve real-world problems, and explore the endless possibilities of Farcaster Frames technology.
What is Farcaster Frames?
It’s a revolutionary way of interacting with other platforms while remaining within the Warpcast portal. You can now interact with polls, live feeds, galleries, NFT minting, etc. inside Warpcast or any other Farcaster client.
Learn more about Frames here!

So what?
Prior to frames, it was pretty inefficient to interact with direct casts in Warpcast especially if they lead to external sites. In this ecosystem, a user’s crypto wallet is already pre-authenticated, and apps are automatically connected to your onchain identity. Now with frames, a whole new world of one-tap experiences & commerce from a social media platform are unlocked!
Hackathon Overview
Held at the Kindred Ventures offices, the SF Farcaster Frames Hackathon kicked off with an introduction from Jesse Pollak of the Base team, setting the stage for an exciting day ahead. Hackers worked in teams and individually to create innovative and fun use cases for Frames.
Here are some of our favorite moments from the day!

And.. we’re off! Our hackers are quick to start! Some developers with experience building frames are mentoring those new to the ecosystem.

The team hacking on a frame of our own

Thank you Kindred for the Insomnia cookies! We handed them out to everyone just before it was time for demos.

Halfway there, cookies in hand, and demos otw!

What a turnout! 12 demos were presented from our hackathon!

Leo walking team through the Coinbase onchainkit framework

Of course we had to get in on the action too! You might just be seeing DeForm inside your next frame soon ;)
Check Out Some of the Demos!
Special Shoutouts
All of this wouldn’t have been possible without everyone pitching in and so the DeForm team wanted to give special thanks and shoutouts!
🍕A big thank you to the BASE team for providing everyone with delicious pizza and kicking off the hackathon right!
🏯 Thank you to Kindred Ventures for hosting the hackathon at your new office! It was a stunning Japandi-style (Japanese and Scandinavian) venue for everyone to meet, collaborate, and build innovative ideas with fellow local SF hackers.
🎉 Last but not least, thank you to everyone who came out and showed up to this special day! What an incredible sight to see so many web3 enthusiasts have fun hacking away on this new tech. We love seeing the community and hope to see you all for future events!

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Developer news